Rotary After Hours 2021-2022
Hello there. My name is Dylan Creasman and I am the 2021-2022 chairperson for the Rotary Satellite Club of Vermilion After Hours. This satellite club was created for members like me, who for one reason or another may not fit in with the membership options available at the main club but still want to make a difference in their community. Since this club was created last year, we have added several new members to our Rotary family here in Vermilion, and one of our main focuses this year will be to continue to seek out the untapped potential of Rotarians who don’t realize yet that not only does Rotary need them, but they need Rotary. One of my favorite historical figures, Edmund Burke, said that “Example is the school of mankind, and they will learn at no other”. I hope that we can set an example that inspires others in our community to come join our efforts.
One of our other goals this year is for the satellite club to begin to get a footing in the community. We are actively seeking service projects in the area in order to expand the scope of what Rotary can do for Vermilion parish, especially in those areas with rich history who may feel they are in danger of being forgotten. We have many opportunities to help these underserved parts of our community and it is my hope that our efforts this year can help to bring them back into the conversation when we talk about what is good that is going on in Vermilion Parish.
Rotary of Abbeville is helping to transition our Sip, Savor, and Support fundraiser to the satellite club. Due to covid this year, we have had to postpone the event until Spring of 2022, but for sure this event will be a blessing for our young club to help get us out there and on our feet. We hope to continue this annual fundraiser and come up with additional fundraisers that we can support our community with.
Our club meets the first and third Wednesdays of every month at 6:30pm. In traditional Rotary fashion, we meet at various restaurants throughout the parish, never making one place a habit. All Rotarians are welcome to attend our meetings and guests are encouraged. You can find our schedule and more at as well as here on our website.
Dylan Creasman
2021-2022 Satellite Chairperson